A Simtk Project Wiki

Welcome to your blank Simtk project wiki. Feel free to replace this wiki page with an introduction to your project and links to future wiki pages. (HelpOnPageCreation lists all the ways you can create a new page.)

Members of your project have full permissions to read, write, revert and delete pages. If you visit any non-existing page URL, you'll be shown a variety of templates for pages. You can choose among the following, from most permissive to most restrictive:

  1. PublicWriteTemplate -- Anyone can edit this page. Deletes and reverts are limited to project members.

  2. PublicReadTemplate -- Anyone can read the wiki page. Only your project's members can edit the page.

  3. SimtkReadTemplate -- Any Simtk.org registered user can read the wiki page. Only your project's members can edit the page.

The default is to create an empty page which is only accessible to project members. If you want to force all wiki pages to be public or have some special permissions, contact a Simtk.org webmaster(webmaster@simtk.org).

In addition to quickly adding new pages using templates, you can manually modify permissions for a page by adding or editing an Access Control List (ACL) statement at the top of the wiki page. (The details are here)

Each Simtk.org registered member can have permissions set by using their Simtk user name. For example, John Doe, whose user name is johndoe can have permissions set as follows:

The above will let John Doe read the wiki page while still keeping the other project member permissions available ("Default").

Interesting starting points:

This wiki farm is part of Simtk.org

How to use this site

A Wiki is a collaborative site, anyone can contribute and share:

To learn more about what a WikiWikiWeb is, read about WhyWikiWorks and the WikiNature. Also, consult the HelpMiscellaneous/FrequentlyAskedQuestions page.

This wiki is powered by MoinMoin.

FrontPageBackup (last edited 2016-05-04 22:03:59 by localhost)