variable name |
description |
kop |
Name of simulation |
atheta |
aphi |
dt |
rbot |
Bone rotations in global coordinates |
rbot(1:3,j) : thorax |
rbot(4:6,j) : clavicle |
rbot(7:9,j) : scapula |
rbot(10:12,j) : humerus |
phin |
Joint rotations |
phin(1:3,j) : thorax w.r.t. global |
phin(4:6,j) : SC joint w.r.t. thorax |
phin(7:9,j) : AC joint w.r.t. clavicle |
phin(10:12,j) : GH joint w.r.t. scapula |
phin(13:15,j) : HU joint w.r.t. humerus - elbow flexion, and two dummy rotations |
phin(16:18,j) : UR joint w.r.t. ulna - elbow pronation and two dummy rotations |
phin(19:21,j) : Radio-carpal joint w.r.t. radius |
ppos(42,istep) |
'Palpated' positions in global coordinates |
1-3 |
position bony landmark AC |
4-6 |
position bony landmark TS |
7-9 |
position bony landmark AI |
10-12 |
position rotation center GH-joint |
13-15 |
position rotation center elbow |
16-18 |
position bony landmark EM |
19-21 |
position bony landmark EL |
22-24 |
position rotation center wrist |
25-27 |
position center of gravity hand |
28-30 |
position IJ (suprasternal notch) |
31-33 |
position SC (sterno-clavicular joint) |
34-36 |
position AA (angulus acromion) |
37-39 |
position SU (styloideus ulnaris) |
40-42 |
position SR (styloideus radialis) |
plen |
plig |
dlig |
ligmat |
ifail_objf_c (1) |
muscle force optimisation error See: ErrorCodes |
ifail_objf_c (2) |
muscle force optimisation cost function value |
ifail_objf_c (3) |
muscle force optimisation non linear constraint (stability) See: FrequentlyAskedQuestions |
nummat |
Muscle element index |
Elements of muscle i start at nummat(i,1) and end at nummat(i,2) |
prellen |
mxhu |
moment in 'x-axis' at 'humero-ulnar' joint i.e. 'elbow f/e moment' |
myur |
mxsc |
mysc |
mzsc |
mxac |
myac |
mzac |
mxgh |
mygh |
mzgh |
pmvth |
pmvlig |
pmvua |
upper moment arms ('potential moment vectors upper arm') |
pmvfa |
forearm moment arms ('potential moment vectors forearm') |
pmvex |
fmus |
Muscle force |
frel |
Relative muscle force |
gewrf |
Joint Reaction Forces |
thetar |
phir |
Fth |
Flig |
Fclavicula |
Fscapula |
Fupperarm |
Fforearm |
Fextern |
Mextern |
pkin |
pgra |
pext |
ptho |
pwri |
pmus |
netforce |
pos |
vel |
acc |